Oregon Economic Justice Roundtable
The Oregon Economic Justice Roundtable (OEJR) is a shared table of funders, advocates, and other nonprofit organizations advancing collective and sustained action for racial and economic justice around the state. Our challenge is to imagine a new bold and liberatory vision that will guide and support the work of racial and economic justice for our communities. The work of the roundtable also includes advancing policy changes that are necessary for dismantling structures that perpetuate inequitable treatment. We work to create an environment where we can all live beyond the basics of safety and security, into the freedom to actualize dreams, and the power for communities to have control over their own financial and economic destiny.

Oregon IDA Initiative
The Oregon Individual Development Account Initiative invests in the personal and financial growth of individuals to build strong communities throughout Oregon. The Initiative was created in 1999 by the Oregon State Legislature to bring state agencies, private non-profit and tribal partners, and private contributors together to create opportunity in Oregon. Today, the Initiative is composed of the State of Oregon, under the leadership of Oregon Housing and Community Services Department and the Oregon Department of Revenue, and a host of private partners and contributors working together to help Oregonians achieve their dreams.
Learn more about the IDA Initiative

Stop the Debt Trap Alliance
Neighborhood Partnerships participates in the Stop the Debt Trap Alliance (SDTA), a coalition convened by Oregon Consumer Justice that represents diverse constituents diverse constituents across Oregon to promote laws and business practices that equitably serve the interests of all consumers, particularly communities of color and those with the lowest incomes. The Alliance stands up for Oregonians challenged by economic injustices and provides a voice for consumers in Salem and in local governments where policy decisions are being made.
Photo: IDA Saver Charmaine and family in front of her home bought with the help of the IDA program at the NAYA Family Center