Our Work

Everyone wants a chance to live up to their potential. We want the opportunity to break through barriers, conquer challenges and make our lives, our families’ lives and our communities better because of our effort.

Pathway to Financial Resilience

Financial security and long-term progress includes a journey of financial education, earning enough for the basics in order to pay down debt and save, turning those savings into assets and being able to hold on to gains with insurance and consumer protections. Neighborhood Partnerships catalyzes and manages research-backed initiatives, system and policy changes that help all Oregonians build household financial resilience.

Oregon Housing Alliance: Homes Change Everything
For many of us, a safe, decent, affordable home is the place we launch our dreams. It is the place we return to as we put our feet up after a hard day’s work. It is the place we share tender moments with our partners. It is the place we grow and play with our kids.
However, too many Oregonians face barriers that prevent them from having a place they call home. Rents are too high. There are too many people experiencing homelessness. Many families are experiencing the devastation of a foreclosure. And housing near opportunities, schools, and jobs is hard to find and hard to secure.
Oregon faces choices every year in the State Legislature that can help us meet housing needs. The Housing Alliance, under NP’s leadership, has advocated for housing opportunity since 2004. Together we have secured dozens of major victories for Oregonians who need a home. But there’s still so much more to do before every Oregonian has a safe, decent, and affordable place to call home.[/text_block]

Oregon Individual Development Account (IDA) Initiative
We all dream of making a better future for ourselves and our families. We want to put down roots that keep our families grounded. We want to create something that expresses our values. We want to contribute in ways that better our society.
Realizing these dreams takes dedication, skill-building and a nest egg. That’s where the Oregon Individual Development Account (IDA) Initiative and matched savings accounts come in.
Neighborhood Partnerships, on behalf of Oregon Housing and Community Services, administers this matched-savings program through its partner organizations. IDAs help people build life-long healthy financial habits like budgeting. They magnify the amount people are able to save for a small business, education, or home. They create life-long savers who inspire friends, families and communities.
Every year thousands of Oregonians are involved with the IDA Initiative either as participants or donors.[/text_block]

Neighborhood Partnerships is working with a group of talented leaders and dedicated organizations to secure state funding and policies to support asset building. Increased financial education, skill building, savings, and consumer protection strategies will help people plan for a healthy financial future.

For more than 5 years, Neighborhood Partnerships has convened Oregon leaders and advocates for trainings that tap into cognitive, linguistic and behavioral sciences to foster more strategic conversations. This includes our most extensive training, “Advocates College,” as well as other workshops.

2501 SW First Ave, Suite 120
Portland, OR 97201
fax: 503.226.3027