Grocery Worker Solidarity Statement

As you probably know, Neighborhood Partnerships signed our first Collective Bargaining Agreement with ILWU Local 5 this summer. Our negotiations were productive, respectful, and grounded in our shared commitment to economic justice. Management, workers, and union organizers all celebrated the contract at a happy hour we hosted in our office a few weeks later.

Unfortunately, not every contract negotiation goes as smoothly as ours did. When workers feel they are not being met in good faith by their employers, they have one strong tool: going on strike.

During the pandemic, we called the employees of our grocery stores “essential workers” and recognized their vital role in our communities. We are asking our community to now stand behind them as they demand what they need to continue to thrive.

Most of you may know already that Fred Meyer workers, represented by UFCW Local 555, have declared a strike from now through Tuesday, September 8th. They’re joined by the New Seasons Labor Union who are holding a one-day strike this Sunday, September 1st.

As we celebrate Labor Day, we encourage everyone to stand in solidarity with these workers, as we do at Neighborhood Partnerships, and to not cross the picket line and shop at these stores during this time of workers demonstrating their collective strength.

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