As the cost of living continues to rise, it’s becoming harder and harder for Oregonians to build lasting financial stability. This makes it especially important to ensure that more IDAs are available to support our neighbors who are working hard to achieve goals that may otherwise be out of reach, goals like buying a first home, starting a business, or graduating college debt-free. We need your help to advocate for the IDA Initiative to receive the funding resources necessary to continue building long-term economic stability and generational wealth, especially in communities that have historically been excluded from asset-building opportunities. Without this intervention, we could see as much as a 50% reduction in the number of people who can open an IDA each year.

The IDA Initiative calls for the Oregon Legislature to invest $20M for IDAs in the 2025-2027 biennium in addition to the existing tax credit — and to designate that as ongoing funding included in future budgets.
Will you and/or your organization or company endorse the IDA Initiative’s 2025 Legislative Ask?
Please complete the endorsement by January 10 to be included in our lobbying materials in advance of the 2025 legislative session.
The Challenge
Without Legislative action in 2025, the IDA Initiative will need to rely only on tax credit revenue and will shrink to enroll approximately 950 individuals per biennium going forward – an estimated 50% reduction in the number of Oregonians that can open an IDA each year. Click here for more information about this legislative ask.
For over 25 years, the coalition of partners that make up the IDA Initiative have worked to act on the solutions coming from communities most impacted by an inequitable economy. The result is a community-affirmed program, centered in racial equity, that supports Oregonians to exercise greater self-determination and to make meaningful improvements to their financial well-being. To learn more about the Oregon IDA Initiative, go do
Can individuals endorse this also?
Yes! Individuals can endorse this, and everyone who fills out the form can opt in to have their email address added to the IDA Advocacy Workgroup LISTSERV to stay up to date on IDA legislative advocacy updates. Individuals will also be invited to join us in Salem for an IDA Lobby Day (likely in May, specific date TBD).
Spread the word!
Please send this invitation to 3 other organizations or companies that are supportive of the work of the IDA Initiative. We’re looking to gather as many endorsements as possible ahead of the 2025 session.
Can you financially support the IDA Initiative’s 2025 campaign?
Neighborhood Partnerships is currently raising funds to organize an IDA Lobby Day, hire contracted lobbying support, and provide financial support for individuals coming to Salem to testify and advocate. Check the box at the end of the endorsement form to let us know if you are willing to consider financially supporting this work.
Thank you for your partnership and support as we seek to connect more Oregonians to the critical boost that IDAs provide.
Do you have questions about the endorsement or want to get more involved? Please contact Luke Bonham at