Equity Update: Updating Hiring Practices at NP

As part of our internal equity goals, NP has been looking into making our hiring and onboarding practices more equitable and inclusive. About a year ago, a subcommittee was formed to take a look at existing practices, form a set of goals, and implement practices to achieve those goals. Increase the number of BIPOC applicantsWe […]

Welcome Loren!

We are thrilled to announce that we have a new staff member! Loren Naldoza will be our new Legislative & Communications Manager!  Loren comes to NP from the Office of U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley, where he has spent the last two years as a Legislative Aide, working on economic opportunity policy, fighting for a fairer […]

RE:Conference 2020

Stay tuned for details of our annual RE:Conference, which will kick off on November 16 and 17 and continue through mid-December. We expect to open registration after Labor Day. RE:Conference will be fully virtual this year. We are working hard to plan content that is as interactive and thought provoking as what you expect from […]

Director’s Desk: August

I’m thinking a lot about change and evolution this month, as I write my last Director’s Desk message to the Neighborhood Partnerships community. I’m excited for the future of Neighborhood Partnerships. In spite of the uncertainty in the world around us, brought on by a virus, failed leadership, and economic upheaval, NP is in good […]

Thank you, Brian Stewart!

This month at our August Board meeting we’ll be saying goodbye to Brian Stewart, who is rotating off the Board after fifteen years of service, six years as Board Chair between 2013 and 2019. Brian has been instrumental to so much of the success of NP over the past years. He has shared his enthusiasm, […]

Director’s Desk: July

Black Lives Matter. It is time to act to repair the generations of harm and inequity that is the legacy of slavery in the United States, and the legacy of ongoing structures that divert and strip wealth from the Black community. As the New York Times Magazine said this past weekend, it is time for […]

Director’s Desk: June

Black Lives Matter. We are called to re-commit ourselves to work, every day, to move our workplaces, our communities, our state, and our nation towards justice. The murder of George Floyd served as a tipping point. The calculated and deliberate behavior of the police officers, in broad daylight, while aware of cell phone cameras trained […]

We’re hiring a new Executive Director!

You may have missed our earlier announcement about our big news! Later this year, after 15 amazing years as Director, Janet Byrd will be stepping down, and now, we’re looking for our next executive director!  You can read the message from our Board Chair, or from Janet herself. Now, it’s time to search for our […]

New beginnings at Neighborhood Partnerships

By Janet Byrd Friends and colleagues, Last Friday we shared the news that I will be leaving Neighborhood Partnerships later this summer, after a new Executive Director has been hired. This is big news for Neighborhood Partnerships and for me in the midst of a very odd time for our communities, our state, and the […]

From the Director, April

By Janet Byrd I hope you’re all staying healthy and finding some ways to take care of yourselves. We’re now several weeks in to our new reality of responding to COVID-19, with an uncertain timeline ahead. I want to thank and acknowledge everyone on the front lines of the response: the people that are picking, […]