When a new person joins the NP team we ask them a couple questions so we can all get to know them better. Derrick Taruc is the Database and Program Support Specialist Derrick joined Neighborhood Partnerships in July 2016 to support the Oregon IDA Initiative team. For starters, tell me a little about yourself I […]
The Science of Conversation: Help Government Be For and By the People
It’s difficult to watch the news recently and not feel a sense of despair. We’re angry and pained by violence and discrimination. We want all our neighbors to have homes, yet many are sleeping on the streets. Our friends and family spend days and nights worried about the bills, rather than enjoying their community. We […]
Apply for a RE:Conference Scholarship
Neighborhood Partnerships strives to increase opportunity for all Oregonians. We offer scholarships to our RE:Conference to ensure that we have wide representation from communities that face barriers to participation. As you complete this scholarship application, please make sure to explain how this scholarship will benefit communities across Oregon. Please highlight the work you do with […]
Apply for 2016 Advocates College
For more than six years, leaders from across Oregon have come together to learn how we can change the way we speak about the issues we care about to be more effective in our advocacy with decision makers. We call it Advocates College. Now you too can learn the research-backed techniques for communicating powerfully and […]
For People Who Want to Get Beyond Simple Poverty Solutions
“It’s about honoring the complexity of the experience of people living in poverty, instead of trying to address needs in isolation.” – Brendon Basset, Metropolitan Family Service. What does it takes to increase the financial resilience of our communities and the people we serve? In June, Executive Director Janet Byrd and Financial Innovations Director Jill […]
Our Trip on the ‘Discrimination Bus Tour’ of Portland
A few weeks ago, NP staff had the opportunity to join other non-profit organizations on the Fair Housing Council of Oregon’s bus tour of historic housing discrimination. We knew it would be educational, full of insights, and also difficult as we journeyed back in history to better understand the legal and illegal tools and strategies […]
Scanning the Horizon for Opportunity: What’s Ahead in Oregon Politics
2016 is a year of big changes in our political landscape. What does this mean for opportunity for all of Oregon? How will we use our tools to create a better future, and to open doors for all Oregonians? How will we harness our innovative spirit, our talent, and our energy to invest in people […]
The Biggest Inspiration for Our Field Is Right in Front of You
A great mentor of mine in the field of domestic violence support services taught me an important lesson about how to make connections with a survivor. Always start by reminding them that they have a wealth of resilience and resourcefulness within themselves – they had survived this long and had found their way to our […]
Top 5 Lessons for College Savings from a National Leader
You can have a great idea and even a great program, but as many nonprofits and public organizations know – that’s only the beginning. To build lasting change you need everything from community trust, to habit building, to increasing depth of knowledge so lessons from a program can travel far beyond the experience of […]
7 Quotes that Perfectly Capture Why Every Oregon Child Should Have College Savings
On May 23 the House Interim Committee On Higher Education, Innovation, and Workforce Development heard about the potential for every Oregon child to have a savings account for college or post-secondary education. A Children’s Savings Account (CSA) is a long-term, incentivized account established for children early on which is allowed to grow until they reach […]