August 2015 Newsletter

Summer is almost over, schools are filling up, colleagues are headed back from vacation and here at NP we’re looking ahead to an eventful fall. Our Oct 29 and 30 RE:Conference is titled as such because nothing gets us more excited than the chance to reconnect, rethink and re-imagine Oregon. We’re rejuvenated after a busy […]

Earn Money for Your Great Ideas

Help us build Oregon’s financial future with great ideas, solid research, and collaboration! Do you have an idea for growing financial opportunity in Oregon? We’re looking for great ideas for increasing access to financial tools, for improving programs, and for new ways to interact with program participants and support participants improved financial practices using technology […]

We’re Hiring a Housing Policy Manager

Housing is the foundation of Oregon’s success. We need safe, decent and affordable housing options near employment, near schools, near our families and friends. It’s time to move housing to the top of our policy agenda and to hold our public systems accountable for meeting housing needs. If you agree and want to be a […]

Meet Em, NP’s Evaluation Assistant

What do you do at NP?  I assist with the administration of the Oregon IDA participant feedback survey. What area of expertise and interest do you have? While I believe that working towards the eradication of inequity for all people should be a top public priority, my primary interest is in affecting change in the field of youth […]

You Can Go Home Again

By Jill Winsor On May 13th’s Housing Opportunity Day we saw members concerned about housing needs in communities across the state—from Eugene to The Dalles—people who are housed and unhoused, and one extra special person, my mom. My mom, Lindsay, grew up in Milton-Freewater, a tiny town in the northeastern corner of Oregon. Below is […]

How Philanthropy is Shifting Opportunity for Oregonians with Low Incomes

By Janet Byrd, Executive Director In 2006, the New York City Office of Financial Empowerment (OFE) began to test a number of pretty radical concepts to “educate, empower, and protect individuals and families with low incomes.” This work was sparked by Mayor Bloomberg, financed in its early years by him personally, and by philanthropic and corporate […]

Welcome Anna Jen to the NP Team

Anna Jen joined the NP team yesterday. In what has become a tradition, we asked Anna a few questions about herself.  What will you be doing at NP?  At NP, I’ll be doing a variety of tasks to support our partners and staff. This includes staying on top of Outcome Tracker [our IDA database] to […]