On Friday, September 23, Neighborhood Partnerships held an open house to welcome partners to our new offices at 310 SW Fourth Avenue, Suite 715. Thank you to those of you who stopped by to see the new office space and say hello! For those of you unable to join us, our door is always open. […]
Continuing to Improve Services for Homeless Families
Back in November, we told you about an exciting off-shoot of Bridges to Housing. This project is moving forward, and has exciting updates we wanted to share with you. Bridges to Housing serves high need homeless families throughout the Portland metropolitan area, and has included a substantial evaluation component, conducted by Portland State University’s Regional […]
Looking Ahead to February 2012 — our voices can create housing opportunity.
In the July 22, 2011 edition of Street Roots, we recap the 2011 Legislative Session for housing. Purchase a copy today from a Street Roots vendor downtown, or read the article here. The full text is below: The State Legislature has been adjourned for over two weeks now, and we’re a little more than two […]
Announcing Round Two of the Advocate’s College
Neighborhood Partnerships is pleased to announce that applications are now available for the second round of our Advocates College, thanks to the commitment of our lead trainer, Patrick Bresette of Demos, and the generosity of our funders. The first Advocate’s College was a huge success, and has had immediate benefits for participants. We’ve written about […]
We’re Moving!
After more than twelve years in the Jeffrey Center, Neighborhood Partnerships is relocating to new offices on July 11, 2011 to the Board of Trade Building on Southwest Fourth Avenue between Southwest Stark and Oak Streets. We will be setting up our telephone and computer systems (including email) during the week of July 11. If […]
Save the Date! Rebuilding the Path of Opportunity
Save the Date for Rebuilding the Path of Opportunity: An Oregon Asset Builders’ Conference. The conference will take place at the Oregon Garden on November 9 and 10, 2011. Early bird registration – for just $90 per person – will open on August 1. Starting August 1, check http://ida.neighborhoodpartnerships.org for registration information and additional details […]
Partner Spotlight: Street Roots
This year, the Housing Alliance gained a new member: Street Roots. Street Roots is the newspaper sold by, and occasionally written by folks who are homeless. We are thrilled to have Street Roots as a member and partner. While they are most known for their paper and their vendors across town who sell the newspaper, […]
Oregon Individual Development Account (IDA) Initiative Announces Supplemental Request for Proposals (RFP)
The Oregon IDA Initiative, a project of Neighborhood Partnerships (NP) in conjunction with Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS), is pleased to announce a supplemental 2011 Request for Proposals for innovative applications to provide IDAs to underserved communities in Oregon. Approximately $1 million will be awarded to competitive applicants in grant amounts ranging from $100,000 […]
Partner Spotlight: Northeast Oregon Economic Development District
“Growing Business; Strengthening Communities” sums up the mission of the Northeast Oregon Economic Development District (NEOEDD). NEOEDD is an Individual Development Account (IDA) provider and NP partner serving Baker, Union and Wallowa counties in Northeast Oregon. Lisa Dawson is the Executive Director of NEOEDD and a native of the Wallowa Valley. In addition to offering […]
Homelessness Increases Again In Oregon
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 26, 2011 For More Information: Alison McIntosh (503) 816-2882 HOMELESSNESS INCREASES AGAIN, DESPITE FEDERAL STIMULUS FUNDS Homelessness has increased in Oregon again. The State of Oregon Department of Housing and Community Services released the annual Point In Time Counts yesterday, showing homelessness has increased 29% since the count conducted in 2009, […]