Neighborhood Partnerships invites qualified organizations to become fiduciary organizations or to renew their status as fiduciary organizations in the Oregon Individual Development Account (IDA) Initiative. Below are the documents necessary to complete the 2010 Oregon IDA Request for Applications. Note that applications are due on January 14, 2010. If you have any questions about the […]
Asset Building
Oregon Receives a “C”, Advocates Call for Changes
Yesterday, Neighborhood Partnerships and Oregon Thrives, in conjunction with the national Corporation for Enterprise Development (CFED) released its 2009 – 2010 Assets & Opportunity Scorecard. The Scorecard gave Oregon a “C,” and highlighted areas for improvement in Oregon. To help more Oregonians, the state could expand the refundable earned income tax credit, remove asset limits […]
Outcomes you can bank on!
There is a long held myth that low income individuals cannot save money. However, the Oregon IDA Initiative is proving otherwise. Individuals Development Accounts, or IDAs, are a matched savings program that builds the financial management skills of low income Oregonians while they save towards a goal – homeownership, business development, higher education, or an […]