Our Partnerships

Explore the different coalitions and partnerships that give us our name.

Oregon IDA Initiative

Oregon Housing Alliance

Residents Organizing for Change

Oregon Economic Justice Roundtable

Latest Posts

Director’s Desk: August

I’m thinking a lot about change and evolution this month, as I write my last Director’s Desk message to the Neighborhood Partnerships community. I’m excited for the future of Neighborhood Partnerships. In spite of the uncertainty in the world around us, brought on by a virus, failed leadership, and economic upheaval, NP is in good […]

Thank you, Brian Stewart!

This month at our August Board meeting we’ll be saying goodbye to Brian Stewart, who is rotating off the Board after fifteen years of service, six years as Board Chair between 2013 and 2019. Brian has been instrumental to so much of the success of NP over the past years. He has shared his enthusiasm, […]

Exciting News! Our Next Executive Director

Joel Madsen, Board Chair, Neighborhood Partnerships Neighborhood Partnerships is excited to announce that Carlos Garcia will become executive director, effective September 8.  Carlos has served as NP’s Director of Economic Opportunity since 2018.  In addition to overseeing the Oregon IDA initiative, he works with local, regional, and national partners to support movements and create policies […]

Looking Back and Forward in the IDA Initiative

By Holly McGuire As we enter the second half of the calendar year at the IDA Initiative, compiling our annual report to Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) gives us a chance to reflect on the last program year. It was a powerful and intense year, even before the crescendo of the COVID pandemic lockdown […]