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Oregon IDA Initiative

Oregon Housing Alliance

Residents Organizing for Change

Oregon Economic Justice Roundtable

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Director’s Desk: July

Black Lives Matter. It is time to act to repair the generations of harm and inequity that is the legacy of slavery in the United States, and the legacy of ongoing structures that divert and strip wealth from the Black community. As the New York Times Magazine said this past weekend, it is time for […]

Director’s Desk: June

Black Lives Matter. We are called to re-commit ourselves to work, every day, to move our workplaces, our communities, our state, and our nation towards justice. The murder of George Floyd served as a tipping point. The calculated and deliberate behavior of the police officers, in broad daylight, while aware of cell phone cameras trained […]

Equity Update: June

NP’s Equity Team This month, we’re sharing our progress on our equity goals. Last November, at our annual RE:Conference, Neighborhood Partnerships presented an equity statement, after months of work internally to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion. In sharing our equity statement, we explicitly said: “We ask that you hold us accountable. In that spirit, we […]

Our Humble Cadence

written by Reyna Gillet on behalf of the NP staff We have a conversation started. We need to show up for them. Marching to the Burnside Bridge – seeing the sea of people, laying down, the crowd of so many young people, teens, kids, all taking a moment and all saying “I can’t breathe.” We’ve […]