Our Partnerships

Explore the different coalitions and partnerships that give us our name.

Oregon IDA Initiative

Oregon Housing Alliance

Residents Organizing for Change

Oregon Economic Justice Roundtable

Latest Posts

Building Financial Capability in Central Oregon

By Jill Winsor On Monday, March 20th, Janet and I traveled down to Bend to facilitate a training with NeighborImpact on a great toolkit- Building Financial Capability: A planning guide for integrated services. We had a great turn out with representation from thirteen different organizations who came together to learn about opportunities to better connect […]

Oregon Bright Futures Plan Legislative Hearings

By Jill Winsor And Away We Go! Kicking Off Our Oregon Bright Futures Plan Legislative Hearings. There’s nothing quite like watching all of your months and months of hard work start to pay off. Which is exactly how we felt watching the Oregon Bright Futures hearings unfold this Tuesday in the House Early Childhood and […]

Oregon IDA Initiative Continues to Build Prosperity Across Oregon

By Janet Byrd The Oregon Individual Development Account (IDA) Initiative 2016 evaluation report, released Friday, tells an exciting story of the impact the Initiative and its partners are having in communities across Oregon. Neighborhood Partnerships is proud to work with our partners and to support their work to build stronger communities by investing in the personal and […]

Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Awareness

The earned income tax credit can be a powerful tool. You can determine your eligibility for, file and claim your EITC for free: If you make $54,000 a year or less, you can access free tax return preparation services available at more than 13,000 community volunteer tax assistance sites. You can use brand name software […]