Our Partnerships

Explore the different coalitions and partnerships that give us our name.

Oregon IDA Initiative

Oregon Housing Alliance

Residents Organizing for Change

Oregon Economic Justice Roundtable

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Thank you, Itzel

After two years at Neighborhood Partnerships, Itzel Hernandez Spehar has decided to leave her position as a program coordinator with the IDA Initiative. She will be taking time off to focus on family responsibilities, recharge and plan the next chapter of her life. We are sad to say goodbye to Itzel. We will all miss […]

Connecting to solutions outside our field of vision

By Jill Winsor, Financial Innovations Director “To be most effective, we must continue to leverage our respective expertise, but also proactively work with others to find and connect solutions that exist outside of our own field of vision.” – Laura Choi and David Erickson This quote really gets at what the RE:Conference is all about […]

Kylie Patterson to Speak at the 2016 RE:Conference

Last week we wrote a blog post about an important report which was released by the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) and Corporation for Enterprise Development (CFED). You probably saw the report mentioned on social media or in your email, The Ever-Growing Gap: Without change, African-American and Latino families won’t match white wealth for centuries. The post […]

Have you attended a Your Money, Your Goals training?

Since then, what have you done with your toolkit? Have you used it to train your co-workers? Have you used it to start conversations about financial well-being with clients? If the answers to these questions is “yes,” we are so proud of you! If the answer is “no, I hate to admit it, but I’ve […]