Our Partnerships

Explore the different coalitions and partnerships that give us our name.

Oregon IDA Initiative

Oregon Housing Alliance

Residents Organizing for Change

Oregon Economic Justice Roundtable

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Support Local Businesses Owned by IDA Savers and Get Great Gifts

The RE:Conference won’t just be a fantastic time of learning from industry leaders and networking with other professionals; it will also be a chance to see the Oregon IDA Initiative in action. On the evening of October 29th a handful of small business graduates will showcase their products and services at the IDA Marketplace. Conference […]

Welcoming New NP Team Members

Neighborhood Partnerships has two new team members! Jenna Haley is a graduate student at PSU’s School of Social Work. She will be interning at NP and providing support to the Housing Alliance from late September through June 2016. Neighborhood Partnerships have also hired a new Housing Policy Director, who will be working with all of […]

August 2015 Newsletter

Summer is almost over, schools are filling up, colleagues are headed back from vacation and here at NP we’re looking ahead to an eventful fall. Our Oct 29 and 30 RE:Conference is titled as such because nothing gets us more excited than the chance to reconnect, rethink and re-imagine Oregon. We’re rejuvenated after a busy […]

10 Reasons to Attend Neighborhood Partnerships’ 2015 RE:Conference

The 2015 RE:Conference is part think-tank, part training, part meet-up. You’ll get new ideas, practical tools, and new connections so that you leave energized with a plan for increasing opportunity in Oregon. You’re invited to join us on Oct. 29 and 30 at the Salem Convention Center to re:think, re:energize and re:new. If you’re still […]