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Oregon IDA Initiative

Oregon Housing Alliance

Residents Organizing for Change

Oregon Economic Justice Roundtable

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Despite how it feels, talking about poverty is getting easier

A new NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll shows promising results for those conversations you might be having about poverty. “Now, nearly half of respondents, 47 percent, attribute poverty to factors other than individual initiative,” says the poll. Although opinions still fall along expect political divides we’ve come a long way since 1995. As Topos put in […]

The world’s leading marketing guru shares a valuable lesson on homelessness

I was reading a summary of Seth Godin‘s 2014 HOW conference interview and he shared an anecdote that stood out to me: If you read Patti Smith’s book about her and Robert [Mapplethorpe] called Just Kids … she was homeless for years — HOMELESS! — living on bread from the garbage can, sleeping in the […]

The secret words to fighting income inequality

  We believe inequality is a barrier that can be broken if we work together and rally a public response. But that can only happen if we all have the tools to change the public conversation. That’s why we’re hosting our old friend Patrick Bresette from Public Works. During this special evening event on May […]

This is our “secret sauce”

Ever wonder what the common factor is among all of NP’s initiatives? I know I did when I first started working here. Well, it’s based on a really cool, research-backed model that helps people navigate life’s ups and downs on their journey toward financial stability. One part infographic, one part informational one pager and one part organizational […]