Our Partnerships
Explore the different coalitions and partnerships that give us our name.
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Help Build Household Financial Resilience in Oregon
Are you interested in working with others to figure out how we can: Re-build the financial strength of Oregon’s communities from the ground up, Increase access to the tools and strategies that will work to help Oregonians build pathways to the middle class, and Use tested public policy tools to help us move forward? Please […]
Announcing Round Three of the Advocate’s College
Neighborhood Partnerships is pleased to announce that applications are now available for the third round of our Advocates College, thanks to the commitment of our lead trainer, Patrick Bresette of Public Works, and the generosity of our funders. Both the first and second Advocate’s Colleges were huge successes, and have had immediate benefits for participants. […]
Celebrating Bridges to Housing
On Monday, July 9, we celebrated the release of the Final Evaluation Report from Portland State University’s Regional Research Institute for Bridges to Housing. We met together to celebrate this momentous occasion with the Regional Steering Committee, as well as many other partners including service and housing providers, Coordinating Team members, jurisdictional staff, and elected […]
Creating a New Oregon Story
Please join us for a “Communications Boot Camp”, an intense, day-long event bringing together a diverse set of voices to help create a common story about the state of Oregon and its future. Together, we will develop a common narrative about our state and about our path forward towards a more vibrant, prosperous, and inclusive […]