Our Partnerships

Explore the different coalitions and partnerships that give us our name.

Oregon IDA Initiative

Oregon Housing Alliance

Residents Organizing for Change

Oregon Economic Justice Roundtable

Latest Posts

Strategies to Increase IDA Program Recruitment and Retention

Individual Development Accounts (IDAs) are a matched savings program that help low and moderate-income families purchase assets such as a home, a post-secondary education, or the capital needed to start or expand a small business.  Neighborhood Partnerships brought Amy Shir—an expert asset building consultant—to present strategies to increase participant recruitment and retention to forty of […]

Bridges to Housing: Multnomah County Appreciation Event a Success!

On Friday, July 16, 2010, Bridges to Housing case managers, staff, and Multnomah County partners gathered to appreciate and celebrate the success of the program, now four years old. Commissioner Deborah Kafoury, describing herself as a member of the Bridges to Housing fan club, welcomed families, case managers and those who’ve worked at the City […]

Preliminary Findings from the IDA Initiative Evaluation

Neighborhood Partnerships is proud to oversee the administration of the Oregon Individual Development Account (IDA) Initiative.  IDAs are matched savings accounts that help low and moderate income Oregonians purchase assets, such as a first home, that build economic security.  Participants can also use their IDAs to start or expand a small business, get more education, […]

Emerging Leaders Advocacy and Messaging Training

Since November 2009, Neighborhood Partnerships has had the pleasure of working with Patrick Bresette of Demos. We’ve been learning about the public’s images of government and the economy, and ways to foster more collaborative attitudes among citizens. Now, we’re working on a very exciting project with Patrick and Larry Wallack, Dean of the College of […]