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NP Wins NILHC’s State and Local Organizing Award!
Janet Byrd from Neighborhood Partnerships and Dung Ho from the Community Alliance of Tenants receive Senator Jeff Merkley’s congratulations on winning the State and Local Organizing award at the National Low Income Housing Coalition conference in DC.
Oregon Housing Alliance to be honored by National Low Income Housing Coalition!
The Housing Alliance and Neighborhood Partnerships are pleased to announce that we’ve been selected to receive the National Low Income Housing Coalition’s (NLIHC) first annual State and Local Organizing Award! We are sharing this honor with another Oregon organization, the Community Alliance of Tenants. We’ll be presented with this award at the NLIHC’s Annual Conference […]
The EITC Supports Hardworking Oregonians and Boosts Oregon’s Economy
Over the past year, Neighborhood Partnerships has worked with Oregonians for Working Families and Oregon Thrives to encourage Oregon legislators to expand our state’s Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). We want to expand the tax credit because it has a track record of successfully helping families who are struggling to make ends meet. In 2009 […]
February’s Whirlwind Legislative Session
The short February legislative session was a whirlwind of activity. Neighborhood Partnerships was active in the session in partnership with the Housing Alliance as well as in support of the issue priorities we identified with our partners in Oregon Thrives. The Housing Alliance members had a very short list of priorities going into the session, […]