Exciting changes to the NP Staff

1078715_10151550170401811_665547862_oThe NP staff is growing and changing. We are thrilled that Alison McIntosh will be returning to NP in a newly created role. Alison was a member of the NP team from 2006-2014. She will step in as Deputy Director, Policy and Communications beginning May 2nd. She will take the lead on housing issues and strategic communications, working closely with Jenny Lee and Matt Kinshella.

Housing opportunity is top of mind for Oregonians who can’t find an affordable place to rent, communities facing unstable change, our elected officials and public agency partners. We’re excited to be able to increase staff resources devoted to bringing partners together in search of solutions to our housing needs.

This expansion of our team will allow Janet Byrd to focus her attention more on asset building policy and our work to create prosperity for all Oregonians, beginning with a platform for Children’s Savings Accounts. She will work closely with Jill Winsor in those efforts

Posted in Organizational Culture.