Re:Conference Re:Cap

  Thank you to the nearly 300 people who participated in the 2014 RE:Conference this year. After a slight delay (we didn’t want to compete with weather headlines last week), we’re happy to share slides, videos and photos from the conference. In a follow up survey, 9 out of 10 people said it was one […]

The simple secrets that can really change client behavior

How two Oregon nonprofit employees are taking the practical science of behavioral economics and making it work for them. By Matt Kinshella Let me tell you a story about how a tiny decision made by public officials has saved millions of lives in several European countries. And how understanding the science behind that change has helped two Oregonians bring […]

Two big staffing announcements

Last week we met Omar Carrillo – Neighborhood Partnerships new program coordinator. This week, we’re thrilled to introduce two more staffing changes. First, staff member Jess Junke is the new Director of Economic Opportunity at NP. To quote Jess: “To put it lightly, I am feeling pretty stoked about this opportunity.” We’re stoked too, Jess. You can […]

Meet NP’s New Program Coordinator Omar Carrillo-Tinajero

We’re thrilled to have Omar Carrillo-Tinajero on board. Omar actually worked for NP two legislative sessions ago and now he’s back in a new capacity. Omar will manage NP’s housing policy work and lead efforts to expand and diversify the membership and leadership of the Housing Alliance. I asked Omar a few questions so we could […]

You’ll never see ‘No, Section 8’ again

Imagine you’re looking though the apartment ads in the local paper. You find the perfect place. It’s near your kid’s school, fits within your tight budgetary restrictions and is available right now. In this rental market you know you’ll have to get there early to meet the landlord and compete with a half-dozen other people […]

Despite how it feels, talking about poverty is getting easier

A new NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll shows promising results for those conversations you might be having about poverty. “Now, nearly half of respondents, 47 percent, attribute poverty to factors other than individual initiative,” says the poll. Although opinions still fall along expect political divides we’ve come a long way since 1995. As Topos put in […]

The secret words to fighting income inequality

  We believe inequality is a barrier that can be broken if we work together and rally a public response. But that can only happen if we all have the tools to change the public conversation. That’s why we’re hosting our old friend Patrick Bresette from Public Works. During this special evening event on May […]