Neighborhood Partnerships is pleased to announce that applications are now available for the fourth round of our Advocates College. The first three Advocates Colleges were huge successes, and have had immediate benefits for participants. Sybil Hebb, lobbyist for the Oregon Law Center and graduate of the first Advocate’s College, has this to say: ” The […]
Oregon Legislature Considers how to Help Oregonians Save for Retirement
HB 3436, passed by the House of Representatives yesterday, June 24, proposes the creation of an Oregon Retirement Savings Investment Board. This Board would bring together key players to study the issue of retirement security and develop solutions. It would include representatives from the financial services industry, employers, the public, and the State Treasurer. The […]
Resubscribe to the NP Blog
Thank you for subscribing to the Neighborhood Partnerships blog. Due to some technical changes, we need to make changes to the way our Blog appears in an RSS reader. If you subscribe to our blog through an RSS reader, you will need to copy and paste this link: into your feed reader to stay […]
Senator Merkley speaks at Oregon’s 2013 Asset Builders Conference
We were honored to have Senator Merkley speak to us at Building Oregon’s Future: 2013 Asset Builders Conference on Wednesday, April 24th. Sen. Merkley continues to be a champion of policies that strengthen pathways to the middle class for all our neighbors. He spoke about his own part in Oregon’s asset building history, beginning with […]
What’s Your Story of Oregon?
Neighborhood Partnerships has just completed phase one of our Oregon Narrative project. We partnered with Metro and more than 2,000 members of the Opt In panel took time to share their thoughts. We wanted to know whether reminding folks of the vision many of us share is helpful as we launch conversations about what it […]
A Place to Call Home Remains Unaffordable for Many Oregonians
Higher prices in the rental market continue to force Oregon families to choose between paying rent, putting food on the table, and paying utility bills. A national study reports that the cost of renting an apartment in Oregon has increased again, while unemployment remains high at 8.3%. The slow economic recovery, high unemployment and continued […]
Creating Pathways to Opportunity
Today, the Corporation for Enterprise Development (CFED) released their annual Assets & Opportunity Scorecard, which grades each of the fifty states on how well they are doing to create opportunity for their residents. Oregon received a “B” for its work, and this Scorecard reminds us that there is clearly more we can do to help […]
2013 Promises to be an Exciting Year for the Oregon IDA Initiative!
Neighborhood Partnerships is excited about the year ahead and our expanding opportunities to build household financial resilience through the Oregon Individual Development Account (IDA) Initiative. We wrapped up a successful year in 2012 by reaching our $10 million goal, thanks to the Oregon IDA 75% Tax Credit. We are grateful to the many individual and […]
Consider making a donation today to Neighborhood Partnerships
2012 is drawing to a close, and 2013 is just around the corner. The new year is already unfolding a new set of challenges and opportunities. Neighborhood Partnerships needs your help today to make the most of these opportunities to improve the landscape for Oregonians with low incomes. Our work is driven by a vision […]
Coming Soon: CFED Scorecard
On January 30, 2013, the national organization CFED will be releasing their annual Assets & Opportunities Scorecard. The scorecard grades states across the U.S. on how well they help their residents build financial resiliency and offers recommendations for improvement. Neighborhood Partnerships is pleased to be a Lead State Organization for the Assets & Opportunity Network, […]