Bridges to Housing approves new funding awards

Bridges to Housing’s Regional Steering Committee met in December 2009 to recommend funding awards for the four metro area counties that are part of this groundbreaking effort to re-design services and housing for high need homeless families.  Because of the demonstrated impact of the program, the four participating counties have shown remarkable dedication and commitment […]

Invest in a brighter future today!

Individual Development Accounts are a proven, effective tool for building hope and stability.  In the 2008 calendar year, NP raised $4.5 million in donations for this program through the IDA 75% Oregon Tax Credit which creates a pool of match funding for participants that complete financial education and asset specific training.  Every dollar they save […]

Growing Problem of Family Homelessness

The Portland Tribune’s recent editorial on homelessness focuses on the growing problem of homelessness, as well as several solutions. The editorial highlights a growing and serious problem – children are making up a larger and larger percentage of those who are homeless.  In 2008-2009, over 18,000 school children were homeless at some point during the […]

Patrick Bresette comes to Portland

Neighborhood Partnerships, along with Oregon Thrives, the Oregon Center for Public Policy and the Oregon Hunger Task Force were fortunate to be able to collaborate and bring Patrick Bresette of the Public Works project of Demos to Portland the week of November 9th. [flickr][/flickr] Mr. Bresette presented a lecture, “A Case for Government,” In it, […]

IDA Program Celebrates its 1000th Graduate!

Individual Development Accounts (IDAs) help low income Oregonians build greater financial security by matching monthly savings toward the purchase of an asset. The assets purchased – such as a first home, a post-secondary education, or a small business – help build financial stability and enter the economic mainstream. In addition to offering incentives, the Oregon […]

2010 IDA RFA

Neighborhood Partnerships invites qualified organizations to become fiduciary organizations or to renew their status as fiduciary organizations in the Oregon Individual Development Account (IDA) Initiative.  Below are the documents necessary to complete the 2010 Oregon IDA Request for Applications.  Note that applications are due on January 14, 2010. If you have any questions about the […]

Challenges we must meet

I recently had the pleasure of hearing Professor Myron Orfield speak at Portland State University’s “What’s the Big Idea?” Lecture Series, co-sponsored by Coalition for a Livable Future.   Professor Orfield teaches at the University of Minnesota and was a former Minnesota State Legislator. Professor Orfield titled his talk “Creating Successful Communities: Sharing the Benefits and […]

A Case for Government, November 10, 2009

Neighborhood Partnerships, in conjunction with Oregon Thrives, is very pleased to announce a lecture event with Patrick Bresette of Demos, Center for the Public Sector.  Patrick will be joining us to offer his insights, lessons and recommendations for creating a new public understanding of the purpose and possibilities of government action.  His approaches emphasize problem-solving, […]

Bridges to Housing releases 2009 Mid-Year Evaluation Report

On Thursday, October 8, 2009 Diane Yatchmenoff, Ph.D. of Portland State University’s Regional Research Institute presented the 2009 Mid-Year Evaluation Report to the Bridges to Housing Regional Steering Committee. This report focuses on the employment experiences of participants currently in Bridges to Housing, and has several interesting results: 45% of heads of households are either […]