Our Partnerships

Explore the different coalitions and partnerships that give us our name.

Oregon IDA Initiative

Oregon Housing Alliance

Residents Organizing for Change

Oregon Economic Justice Roundtable

Latest Posts

Director’s Desk: September

It’s my great pleasure and honor to be addressing you all for the first time as Executive Director of Neighborhood Partnerships (NP). I want to thank you all for the warm welcome, NP’s staff and Board for their support and help as I step into my new role. I feel excited and ready to get […]

Racial Equity Training Series Update

By Luke Bonham and Holly McGuire As regular readers will be aware, Neighborhood Partnerships has been centering racial equity in all of our work. As part of our roles as conveners and funder, we are looking at how to integrate the diversity, equity, and inclusion tools and learning spaces into our partnerships. Last month, Neighborhood […]

Equity Update: Updating Hiring Practices at NP

As part of our internal equity goals, NP has been looking into making our hiring and onboarding practices more equitable and inclusive. About a year ago, a subcommittee was formed to take a look at existing practices, form a set of goals, and implement practices to achieve those goals. Increase the number of BIPOC applicantsWe […]

Welcome Loren!

We are thrilled to announce that we have a new staff member! Loren Naldoza will be our new Legislative & Communications Manager!  Loren comes to NP from the Office of U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley, where he has spent the last two years as a Legislative Aide, working on economic opportunity policy, fighting for a fairer […]