Our Partnerships
Explore the different coalitions and partnerships that give us our name.
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Welcome, Jane Rosenstein!
We are so excited to introduce Jane Rosenstein, who has joined NP as IDA Fiscal Manager! Jane has a background in community organizing, social work, and education. She has been involved in fiscal management for fifteen years. Jane’s professional roles have included: early childhood educator, sustainability educator, technical writer, and small business owner/operator. Jane holds […]

Our Strategic Planning Process.
by Holly McGuire, Director of Economic Opportunity As some of our readers may be aware, Neighborhood Partnerships embarked on a strategic planning process in mid-2021, supported by the UPRISE Collective. In August our Board of Directors approved the resulting document, our Identity Statement and Strategic Intention, which we are very excited to be launching at […]

Open Mic: Reparations and Addressing the Racial Wealth Gap
by Annette Case, Asset Funders Network September heralds a fresh start of sorts – the beginning of a new school year (true it started in August for lots of kids) and back to work after Labor Day honoring workers for making the prosperity of the country possible. We like to tell a deeply held story […]
Equity Update: Self-Care and Community Care
Neighborhood Partnerships staff recently convened in person to celebrate and recognize each other’s accomplishments and progress from the past year. In a time of remote work in an organization whose team members focus on very different aspects of social justice, housing justice, and equity, it was not only a time for us to brag, congratulate, […]