In the July 22, 2011 edition of Street Roots, we recap the 2011 Legislative Session for housing. Purchase a copy today from a Street Roots vendor downtown, or read the article here. The full text is below: The State Legislature has been adjourned for over two weeks now, and we’re a little more than two […]
Announcing Round Two of the Advocate’s College
Neighborhood Partnerships is pleased to announce that applications are now available for the second round of our Advocates College, thanks to the commitment of our lead trainer, Patrick Bresette of Demos, and the generosity of our funders. The first Advocate’s College was a huge success, and has had immediate benefits for participants. We’ve written about […]
Homelessness Increases Again In Oregon
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 26, 2011 For More Information: Alison McIntosh (503) 816-2882 HOMELESSNESS INCREASES AGAIN, DESPITE FEDERAL STIMULUS FUNDS Homelessness has increased in Oregon again. The State of Oregon Department of Housing and Community Services released the annual Point In Time Counts yesterday, showing homelessness has increased 29% since the count conducted in 2009, […]
Oregon can make choices that will help us thrive: Oregon Thrives General Meeting
Yesterday, Oregon Thrives held a General Meeting in Salem. Oregon Thrives members and partners met to hear updates on the Oregon Thrives Legislative Agenda, get an inside line on happenings at the Legislative session, and learn from Patrick Bresette of Demos. Patrick gave an overview of some of his latest research on how we can […]
Join Us for the Oregon Thrives General Meeting
Please Join Us! Oregon Thrives General Meeting Please join us on Tuesday, May 24, 2011 at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Salem Church at 5090 Center Street NE, Salem, OR 97317 from 2 – 4 pm for the Oregon Thrives General Meeting. Oregon Thrives is a coalition of organizations and agencies working together to create […]
Write a Letter to the Editor Today!
How long has it been since you’ve written a Letter to the Editor? Now is a great time to write a letter to the editor—last weekend saw two great editorials, one by the Oregonian Editorial Board, and the other by the Co-Chairs of the Human Services Coalition of Oregon about Oregon’s budget and our need […]
Taxes and Tax Credits: How do we create an Oregon that offers opportunity to all?
Tax credits are a popular topic these days. Many people are concerned about the amount of foregone revenue to the state as a result of tax credits, and ask whether the state could better spend these funds on basic services. Tax credits and deductions cost us almost as much as direct spending does. Given the […]
We Need Your Help!
Here at Neighborhood Partnerships we’re very focused on the legislative session. (See our previous recap here.) The State Legislature is in full swing in Salem, and unfortunately, with the budget shortfall predicted for the next biennium, many programs are anticipating cuts. This includes a program we are very concerned about, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, […]
Have a Heart Day Brings Over 150 to the State Capitol to Deliver Valentines
On Monday, February 14, one hundred and fifty advocates and partners from all parts of the state gathered in Salem at the State Capitol to celebrate Valentine’s Day and the State’s Birthday. Oregon Thrives and its partners joined together to thank legislators for their service to Oregonians and delivered valentines. We met individually with nearly […]
Oregon Thrives’ 2011 Legislative Agenda
Oregon Thrives is a coalition of organizations and agencies working together to create healthy and prosperous communities where everyone has access to jobs, education, nutritious food, stable homes and services that protect and promote health and wellness. We all have a stake in addressing the challenges our communities and neighbors are facing as a result […]