Please join us in Salem on February 14, 2011

February 14, 2011 is Valentine’s Day and Oregon’s birthday! Demonstrate your love for Oregon by joining the Oregon Housing Alliance and Oregon Thrives for “Have a Heart Day” in Salem.  We all have a stake in addressing the problems our communities and neighbors are facing as a result of the recession. Please join us to […]

National Expert on Framing Policy for Racial Equity Addresses Neighborhood Partnerships’ Advocacy College

Neighborhood Partnerships continued the Advocacy College in December with a visit from a nationally renowned expert on messaging and framing.  Dr. Frank Gilliam, Dean of UCLA’s School of Public Affairs, came to Portland earlier this month for a whirlwind of speaking engagements about effectively framing and messaging policy advancements for greater racial and cultural equity.    […]

We All Have a Role to Play

Earlier this month, Neighborhood Partnerships held the third session of the Advocacy College with Patrick Bresette of Demos and Larry Wallack of Portland State University. Thirty-five advocates joined the Advocacy College in September. We’ve learned some of the basics of framing and messaging, we’ve begun to digest Demos’ research on government and the economy, we’ve […]

Wanted: Visionaries

As we head into a new year, a new legislative session, and complete this election cycle, Neighborhood Partnerships is working to build a new vision for Oregon. There have been a number of good looks over the past few years at what’s wrong with Oregon’s revenue structure. We—as a state and as local governments—lack the […]

Supporting Asset Development in Oregon, and the Assets Learning Conference!

In less than two weeks, staff from Neighborhood Partnerships will travel to Washington, DC for the Assets Learning Conference hosted by the Corporation for Enterprise Development (CFED). CFED, one of our partner organizations, is dedicated to expanding economic opportunity for all Americans for over 30 years. The conference, The Assets Movement at its Moment: Creating […]

NP Staff Travel to STEP Conference

In August 2010, NP Staff Janet Byrd and Alison McIntosh traveled to Seattle to attend the 2010 Strategies to End Poverty (STEP) Conference, sponsored by STEP and Northwest Area Foundation.  In addition to taking in a Mariner’s game, we learned a lot about coalition building, revenue coalitions, and what’s new in terms of TANF reauthorization […]

Emerging Leaders Advocacy and Messaging Training

Since November 2009, Neighborhood Partnerships has had the pleasure of working with Patrick Bresette of Demos. We’ve been learning about the public’s images of government and the economy, and ways to foster more collaborative attitudes among citizens. Now, we’re working on a very exciting project with Patrick and Larry Wallack, Dean of the College of […]

Good News on Federal Spending for Housing & Homelessness

Federal spending on affordable housing and preventing and ending homelessness continues to improve!  We are very pleased that on Thursday, July 1, 2010 the House Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development (T-HUD) Appropriations Subcommittee marked up its Fiscal Year 2011 spending bill.  This subcommittee oversees funding for the US Department of Housing and Urban Development, and […]

NP Staff attend Interfaith Summit on Homeless Children, Youth, and Families.

On Thursday, June 24, Neighborhood Partnerships staff attended the Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon‘s Interfaith Summit on Homeless Children, Youth, and Families. Over 200 people from across Oregon also attended, including many from the faith community, non-profits, and government. After an opening interfaith devotional the first panel on Childhood, Youth, and Family Homelessness in Oregon began. […]