Good News on Federal Spending for Housing & Homelessness

Federal spending on affordable housing and preventing and ending homelessness continues to improve!  We are very pleased that on Thursday, July 1, 2010 the House Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development (T-HUD) Appropriations Subcommittee marked up its Fiscal Year 2011 spending bill.  This subcommittee oversees funding for the US Department of Housing and Urban Development, and […]

NP Staff attend Interfaith Summit on Homeless Children, Youth, and Families.

On Thursday, June 24, Neighborhood Partnerships staff attended the Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon‘s Interfaith Summit on Homeless Children, Youth, and Families. Over 200 people from across Oregon also attended, including many from the faith community, non-profits, and government. After an opening interfaith devotional the first panel on Childhood, Youth, and Family Homelessness in Oregon began. […]

Next Steps in Expanding Minority Homeownership

On June 16, a rainy Wednesday in Salem Oregon, 50 people from across the state joined Neighborhood Partnerships, Oregon Housing and Community Services, JP Morgan Chase, and others in a thoughtful and provocative conversation about minority homeownership.  Victor Merced began the day by calling on all of us to look carefully at what we are […]

2011 Housing Alliance Agenda Preview

The Housing Alliance is in the process of setting its 2011 legislative priorities.  While the budget picture for both the remainder of this biennium and next biennium is bleak, the continuing recession and high unemployment mean the need for affordable housing and other safety net services remains critical. In 2011, we’re considering the following priorities: […]

Northwest Area Foundation hosts Grassroots & Groundwork Conference in Portland

In mid-May, staff from Neighborhood Partnerships attended the Northwest Area Foundation conference, Grassroots & Groundwork, here in Portland, OR.  The conference was focused on strategies to end poverty and featured sessions around asset building strategies, improving state policies, partnering with employment systems, green jobs, increasing access to healthy food, and other great sessions! All of […]

Bridges to Housing Releases Latest Evaluation Report

Bridges to Housing is very excited to release our 2009 Year End Evaluation report!  Once again, this report indicates that Bridges to Housing is serving homeless families with very high levels of need.  The report also illustrates that Bridges to Housing is very successful in helping these families maintain their housing, helping children remain stable […]

Individual Development Accounts Help Oregonians Secure Employment and Achieve Their Goals

With the help of Oregon’s Individual Development Account (IDA) Initiative, low income Oregonians are given the tools to build their financial security through financial education classes and matched savings incentives.  With the money saved, IDA participants purchase a major asset such as a home, post-secondary education, a small business, or assistive technology that helps them […]

More Pictures from our Trip to D.C.

While in Washington, D.C. for the National Low Income Housing Coalition‘s (NLIHC) Annual Conference, The Oregon Housing Alliance won NLIHC’s first ever  State & Local Organizing Award for our work in 2009, an honor we shared with Oregon’s Community Alliance of Tenants. [flickr][/flickr] DeDe Carney, NLIHC Board Member, poses with Janet Byrd, Executive Director of […]