Neighborhood Partnerships is excited about the year ahead and our expanding opportunities to build household financial resilience through the Oregon Individual Development Account (IDA) Initiative. We wrapped up a successful year in 2012 by reaching our $10 million goal, thanks to the Oregon IDA 75% Tax Credit. We are grateful to the many individual and […]
Asset Building
Coming Soon: CFED Scorecard
On January 30, 2013, the national organization CFED will be releasing their annual Assets & Opportunities Scorecard. The scorecard grades states across the U.S. on how well they help their residents build financial resiliency and offers recommendations for improvement. Neighborhood Partnerships is pleased to be a Lead State Organization for the Assets & Opportunity Network, […]
Oregon IDA Initiative Evaluation shows long term success
Today, the Oregon IDA Initiative is excited to release the 2011 Year End Evaluation. The report again indicates positive, long term changes to financial habits of IDA Participants, plus demonstrates the benefits of assets such as a home, an education, or a small business. Oregon is home to one of the largest IDA Initiatives in […]
Help Build Household Financial Resilience in Oregon
Are you interested in working with others to figure out how we can: Re-build the financial strength of Oregon’s communities from the ground up, Increase access to the tools and strategies that will work to help Oregonians build pathways to the middle class, and Use tested public policy tools to help us move forward? Please […]
CFED Scorecard Reminds Us to Take Action to Protect Homeowners from Unfair Foreclosures!
Today Neighborhood Partnerships is taking part in a nationally coordinated release of the Corporation for Enterprise Development’s Assets and Opportunity Scorecard. The Oregon Scorecard builds on a family financial resilience framework developed by CFED that looks at ways we as a state can act to support the five steps to financial security – Learn, Earn, […]
Asset Building Conference Inspires Rededication
Oregon nonprofit groups shared ideas to give everyone in the state opportunities to better themselves financially at the “Rebuilding the Path of Opportunity: 2011 Asset Builders’ Conference” held in Silverton last week. Over 100 professionals from community development corporations, family centers, community action agencies, micro-enterprise organizations, housing authorities, and social services agencies joined together to […]
Save the Date! Rebuilding the Path of Opportunity
Save the Date for Rebuilding the Path of Opportunity: An Oregon Asset Builders’ Conference. The conference will take place at the Oregon Garden on November 9 and 10, 2011. Early bird registration – for just $90 per person – will open on August 1. Starting August 1, check for registration information and additional details […]
2011 IDA Awards Announced
Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) and Neighborhood Partnerships (NP) are pleased to announce awards to the network of organizations that provide Individual Development Accounts (IDAs) to Oregonians in 32 counties. “We’ll be awarding the largest amount ever in the history of the Initiative,” explains Rick Crager, Acting Director of OHCS. “Over $7.3 million will […]
Oregon Thrives’ 2011 Legislative Agenda
Oregon Thrives is a coalition of organizations and agencies working together to create healthy and prosperous communities where everyone has access to jobs, education, nutritious food, stable homes and services that protect and promote health and wellness. We all have a stake in addressing the challenges our communities and neighbors are facing as a result […]
Expanding the Pie
Neighborhood Partnerships staff is in Washington DC attending the CFED Assets Learning Conference. We were also fortunate to attend a pre-conference session for State & Local Assets Coalitions. This pre-conference session was attended by 43 state asset coalitions and over 30 local asset coalitions. Both on days one and two, attendees were challenged to help […]