Open Mic: NP is Rethinking the 40-hour Work Week

As we enter the summer season, our team is reflecting on and celebrating the incredible work we have accomplished this first half of 2022. We’ve been able to successfully advocate for meaningful housing investments at the Legislature, Residents Organizing for Change has been working on a comprehensive bill to support and empower residents of affordable […]

Open Mic: Alison on six years at NP

Later this month, I will transition out of my role as the Policy & Communications Director for Neighborhood Partnerships, and I’ve been reflecting on what we’ve collectively accomplished to help advance housing opportunity for Oregonians with low incomes across our state, as well as what is next for the coalition and the work from my […]

Black Lives Matter


I hadn’t heard about Juneteenth until about two years ago. I grew up in Los Angeles around mostly Latinx and Asian American communities and Juneteenth was not on our radar—Día de los Muertos and Chinese New Year, sure, but not Juneteenth.   So, what is Juneteenth? According to National Geographic, the holiday is known to some […]

Equity Update: To Win Justice, We Need to Organize

By Ethan Livermore, Economic Justice Organizer Organizing is an attitude and a mindset. It’s a process where people who are close to each other or share some common problem come together into an organization that acts in their shared self-interest.  Community organizing work is the response to material discrepancies. Who is underserved? Who is underpaid? […]

We’re hiring an IDA Initiative Fiscal Manager!  

We are hiring! The IDA Initiative at Neighborhood Partnerships is looking for a Fiscal Manager. This is an exciting opportunity for folks committed to the power of numbers to do good in this world. The person will need experience in fiscal management, capable of tracking and accounting for the inflow and outflow of significant, layered […]

RE:Conference Save the Date! 

Plans are well under way for RE:Conference 2022! We hope you’ve saved the dates – October 17 and 18. This year, we are planning to gather safely in person at the Salem Convention Center, and we are excited to see you all in person.  This year, the RE:Conference theme will be about advancing economic and […]

Welcome Rebekah!

Neighborhood Partnerships is excited to welcome Rebekah Markillie as our new Housing Justice Organizer! Originally from the high desert in eastern Washington, she moved to Portland in 2013 to attend the University of Portland where she studied rhetoric and graduated in 2017. Rebekah’s work background has primarily been in copywriting and developmental editing for nonfiction […]

Advancing Consumer Justice in Oregon

If there’s anything we’ve witnessed in the last two years, it’s that the systems and structures that we have in place often place families and individuals in situations with difficult financial challenges. We’ve also witnessed the ways in which the pandemic has put an unprecedented strain on these same systems, which many of us rely […]

The Oregon IDA Initiative Awards over $10M for New Individual Development Accounts in 2022-23 

The Oregon Individual Development Account (IDA) Initiative helps Oregonians with low incomes build financial resilience and wealth by providing matched savings , information about financial systems, and coaching that supports savers in reaching their financial goals. Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) and Neighborhood Partnerships (NP) are pleased to announce awards totaling $10,330,360 to 11 […]

Using Data to Inform IDA Equity 

By Erica Maranowski The Oregon IDA Initiative seeks to understand who we are reaching and who we are not, in terms of program participation and success, with a focus on communities that face barriers to wealth building and economic stability. Because of barriers that public and private institutions have put into place, we often see […]