ROC Winter Summit Review

Last month ROC members convened for our end of the year Winter Summit Celebration. Over the course of three days ROC members met to discuss organizing, advocacy, and a look back at all we accomplished in 2020.  It was a challenging year, but ROC members continued to show up and use their strength to let […]

Announcing Neighborhood Partnerships’ New Equity Integration and Digital Technology Manager

Neighborhood Partnerships is excited to announce the internal promotion of Derrick Taruc to the newly created position of Equity Integration and Digital Technology Manager. Derrick joined NP in July of 2016, and has overseen maintenance and improvement of the IDA database, supported the collection of data for program evaluation, and provided patient and timely technical […]

Announcing Neighborhood Partnerships’ New Director of Economic Opportunity

Neighborhood Partnerships is excited to announce the internal promotion of Holly McGuire to Director of Economic Opportunity (DEO). Our former DEO, Carlos García, was selected to be NP’s Executive Director in September of 2020. NP engaged in an internal hiring process, reviewing and updating the DEO position to best meet the opportunities and challenges we […]

Director’s Desk: January 2021

At a recent Neighborhood Partnerships team retreat to discuss the year ahead a colleague asked the group as an icebreaker to consider the following questions to help ground the conversation. They asked why are you here, why are we here and what about this work matters to you? Given the tumultuous year that was 2020, […]

Welcome Margaret!

Margaret joined Neighborhood Partnerships in November 2020. Before NP, she planned public community events at OMSI and coordinated classical music festivals at Chamber Music Northwest. Margaret also regularly volunteers with Rose City Rollers, where she plans fundraising events and coaches developing skaters. She enjoys coordinating logistics and planning events, especially when she gets to use […]

RE:Conference RE:Cap

In a year of a pandemic, long overdue racial justice uprising, and wildfire, it was powerful and moving to find that our first virtual RE:Conference could bring so many of us together to make real connections in our work to move toward economic and housing justice. Here at Neighborhood Partnerships we feel grateful and humbled […]

Director’s Desk: December

As we enter into the last month of what has seemed like a never ending year, we can’t help but reflect on this past year- a year that saw a global pandemic upend lives and leave millions sick and unemployed; a year that laid bare the racial, social and economic injustice that BIPOC communities experience […]

Director’s Desk: November

I’m sure many of you have been spending the last few days monitoring the results of the election. You’re not alone. As I write this month’s Director’s Desk, many races across Oregon and the U.S. have yet to be called, but I am reminded of the importance that every voice of each person be heard through the […]

Equity Update: November

At this year’s RE: Conference, we are taking several steps to address language and technology accessibility. NP sees this work as part of its larger equity goals to increase accessibility. It is important that more people be able to participate in our work – whether they speak a different language, or may be new to […]

ROC: Engaging in the Democratic & Advocacy Process

Every other Tuesday, members of Residents Organizing for Change (ROC) and guests meet for a Community Ruckus Call. These calls are bringing new ROC members into the network, giving folks a chance to hear about all things ROC related, and check in with one another.  In October, we turned our Community Ruckus Call into ROC’s Ballot Party. ROC members were able to […]